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Week Wise Pregnancy Report Information Chart

First Trimester

Your Baby’s Development

Your Body Development

Baby Size

Baby Weight

Week 1

Your Baby’s Development is just started. Doctors actually begin counting the 40 weeks of pregnancy from the first day of your last period.

Your body is doling out the usual monthly symptoms, as your uterus sheds its lining, and you get your period. Now’s a good time to prepare your body for pregnancy!



Week 2

Right now, your eggs are still in your ovaries, some are ripening, and one will be release when you ovulate (most likely next week).

Your period is over, your body is preparing to release another egg from your ovaries, and your uterus is starting to form a lining of blood-rich tissue, awaiting the arrival of a fertilized egg.



Week 3

Your Baby’s Development is already on the move. Within 24-hours, the fertilized egg begins to rapidly divide into many cells, and then this tiny cluster of cells travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If you timed it right, sperm has just recently fertilized egg, and you’re pregnant!

Though you may well be, it’s still too early to tell whether or not you’re pregnant. It’ll be a week or 2 before you’ll be able to confirm your pregnancy (a few days after your first missed period).

.006 inches


Week 4

Your Baby’s Development is started in your uterus. What is still just a little cluster of cells now burrows into the lining of the uterine wall and then divides in half? One half becomes the placenta and the other the baby. At the same time, different germ layers formation start takes place.

You may experience some spotting (or slight bleeding) for 1 or 2 days around the time that the tiny cluster of cells implants in the lining of your uterus. This lining then becomes thicker and your cervix is sealed by a plug of mucus.

.006 inches


Embryo at 4 weeks after fertilization
Embryo at 4 weeks after fertilization
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Week 5

This is a week of crucial wiring when the placenta and umbilical cord hook up to Mom. Your Baby’s Development's heart--about the size of a poppy seed--starts beating.

You may begin feeling the symptoms of early pregnancy: fatigue, sore (enlarged) breasts, aching back, nausea, and mood swings.

.05 inches


Week 6

The cluster of cells takes on the shape of a baby with a prominent head and dark eyespots. The vital organs including the brain, spinal cord, heart, kidneys, liver, and stomach start to form.

This is the week that women usually get hit hardest by first trimester pregnancy symptoms. Some women don’t experience any discomfort at all in their first trimester but most do.

.08 to .16 inches


Week 7

With your child's biggest growth spurt until puberty, the embryo more than doubles in size. The legs and arms extend and grow from the torso and the heart divides into right and left chambers. The forebrain also divides into two hemispheres.

You might be putting weight around your waist. In between bouts of morning sickness, you may have noticed an increase in sensitivity in your pelvic area caused by pregnancy hormones.

.44 to .52 inches


Week 8

Finite features including elbows, arms and fingers leg buds start to develop. The face continues to change as the ears, eyes and the nose appear. Teeth develop under the gums. The intestines start to form in the umbilical cord.

What the heck is going on with your skin? You may be experiencing oily skin and breakouts as your hormone levels increase. Things should level off in your second trimester.

.56 to .8 inches


Fetus at 8 weeks after fertilization
Fetus at 8 weeks after fertilization
Image Source

Week 9

The eyelids now cover the eyes and will remain sealed shut until week 27. Pupils form and as the arms and legs grow longer.

You may see not only your waist that’s expanding… so are your breasts! Your may experience some heartburn and indigestion as your body adjusts to pregnancy hormones.

.09 to 1.2 inches


Week 10

About the size and shape of a medium shrimp, week ten marks the end of the embryonic period and the embryo becomes a fetus with all vital organs. Most of the joints are formed now - elbow, wrist, knee, shoulder, and ankle as well as the hands, fingers, feet and toes.

Your may notice increase in your waist size. The morning sickness may start to ease a bit. You may notice blotchy complexion due to those wild hormones. Your blood volume will increase 40%-50% during pregnancy.

1.25 to 1.68 inches


Week 11

The most critical part of the baby's development is over. The baby's body isn't very proportionate and the head makes up half the size. The neck develops and the head rises up from the chest.

Your uterus has expanded and you may have gained a little weight. You may find that your taste is better as your nausea drop down even though certain smells may bother you.

1.75 to 2.4 inches


.3 ounces

Week 12

All of the organs and structures of the unborn baby are formed. Fingers, toes, hair and nails begin to grow. The genitals begin to take on gender characteristics. Kidney starts functioning. The muscles in the intestinal walls begin to practice peristalsis - contractions within the intestines that digest food.

You're in the final stretch, of your first trimester. Around this week, your uterus will shift up and forward as it grows. An increase in blood volume and it's those hormones that make your skin oily.

2.5 inches


.3 to .5 ounces

For Second Trimester